Advanced Diary Online Help Prev Page Next Page
General Information
About Advanced Diary
Features Overview
Installation and system requirements
How to upgrade old versons of Advanced Diary
Interface types and colors
Multilanguage interface
Information about updates
Working with Advanced Diary
Portable mode
Working with folders
Working with records
Multimedia Diary
Attached Files
Manage attachments
Working with Categories
Working with text
Spell-checking and autocorrection
Working with diary templates
How to send an entry by email
How to work with stickers
Advanced Diary - Print
Creating and editing print templates
Previewing and printing report
Program's options
Keyboard Shortcuts
General options
Additional options
Backup options
Text Editor options
Fonts options
Working with databases
Database manager
Search in database
How to protect your information by password
Working with Dropbox
Working with Google Drive
Working with OneDrive
Working in a network
Network features overview
Server installation
Connection to a server
Managing users
Assigning entries
Server database maintenance
Copyright and License
Copyright and License
How to order Advanced Diary
Limitations of evaluation version
Technical Support
Technical Support


  Working with text

The text area in Advanced Diary supports rich text formatting (RTF), images, tables and hyperlink insertion.


There is a main menu, a special toolbar, and a pop-up window that provide these options:




Here you can change fonts, paragraph formatting, add bullets and background etc. Text editor allows to insert text from file, images (even animated GIF files), special symbols, horizontal lines, tables etc.




To insert the emotions pictures, click the Emotions button and an emotions panel will be displayed:




To insert any emotion picture, simply click it on the panel.


You can add any own emotion pictures. Just copy your pictures into the "...\Advanced Diary\Emotions" folder. Advanced Diary supports animated images.


To hide the emotions panel, simply click the Emotions button again.


Paste special


You can paste contents of the clipboard into a description area in various ways using the "Paste Special" context menu item or Ctrl+Alt+V shortcut:




Text Formatting

You can use standard functions (Bold, Italic, Underline) to change font style, highlight text, change text color etc. Also Advanced Diary supports "Format Painter" feature. You can simply select formatted text, press "Format Painter" button and select text, which you would like to format.

Paragraph Formatting


To open the paragraph formatting options, click the "Paragraph" button:




Here you can change paragraph alignment, colors, borders, indentations etc.


Text Wrapping


Advanced Diary supports various text wrapping types. To set up a text wrapping around the pictures, please select a picture, or put cursor after picture. Then click the "Text Wrapping" button.

The "Text Wrapping" window will be opened:




Just select any text wrapping type and click the "OK" button.




To create a hyperlink inside a document, click the "Hyperlink" button. The dialog window that creates hyperlinks will appear. You can add a link to any URL, email address, any external file or folder, or any entry in the Advanced Diary database.




If you select the "Database Entry" link type, the new window will be opened:




In this window you can select any folder or database entry. Then click the "OK" button to create hyperlink to the selected entry.


Special Symbols


To insert a special symbol, click the "Special Symbol" button. A dialog box will appear:




Select Font and necessary Symbol and click the "OK" button.

Please note, this window will remember last choosen settings for your convenience.

Horizontal Line


To insert a horizontal line, click the "Horizontal Line" button. A dialog box for line insertion will appear:




Select the Horizontal Line color and width, then click "OK".




To insert a table, click the "Table" button. A dialog box for table insertion will appear:




Select the number of rows and columns in the table and click "OK".

To change the cell colors in the table, select "Table - Cell Color" menu item. To change the table settings, use the pop-up menu with additional functions.

To change the table properties, click the "Table - Properties" menu item:




In this window you can change Table width, colors, spacing etc.
There are several types of table width:
Automatic - table width will fit current document with, and you will be able to resize table by mouse.
% (percents) - table width in percents from total document width (when you resize document, table will be resized automatically).
Pixels - fixed table width in pixels. Can be changed only in Table Properties window.
Last choosen width type will be saved and automatically applied to new tables, when you will add them in the future.




To add a background to a document, click the "Background" button. A dialog box will appear:




Background Color - here you can choose a color for background.


To add a picture, click the "Open" button and select desired picture file. Advanced Diary comes with some background pictures. You can find them in the "...\Advanced Diary\Backgrounds\" folder.

To save current background picture to a file, click the "Save" button.

To remove picture from background, click the "Clear" button.


Picture Position - if the picture is selected, you can set up its position: Tiles, Stretched, Center, Fixed Tiles, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right.


Padding - here you can choose the text editors padding.


Search in texts


To find a string or word in the text, click the "Find" button. A dialog box will appear:




Using this dialog box you can find any words in the text and replace them with the new one if necessary.

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